
The village, castled mostly on the top of the small hill, 165 metres from the sea level, offers beatiful views. 
From the village,  it dominates the big Follonica gulf, from which the morning sun rises and then, at noon time, it is almost vertically on the big and lonely Scoglio di Montecristo and sets, at evening, according to the seasons and to the place, or behind the Monte Capanne crest or very far, behind the highest Corsica mountains.
Capoliveri is one of the eight Isola d’Elba communes, with the broadest expanse of coasts and beaches. It is a village animated also during night, with a lot of night-clubs and attractions. It is linked to the beaches with a minibus line, from  09.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Agenzia Viaggi e Turismo - Ideamare
Via Circonvallazione 157 - 57031 Capoliveri Isola d'Elba (LI)
Tel 0565.935117 - Fax 0565.967321